Today, Vicarious #1 from BOOM! Studios hits the shelves, offering an exciting new addition to the sci-fi psychological thriller genre. Written by Ryan Parrott and illustrated by Eleonora Carlini, the story revolves around Justin, a 20-something burnout who stumbles into the mysterious world of Proxies. Proxies are ambitious young individuals who allow the rich to experience their emotions through an advanced technological implant. For Justin, this secret world presents a chance to transform his life—if he can navigate its dangerous and seductive appeal.
The issue is filled with suspense, sharp commentary on modern society, and the temptation of living through others. The creative team delivers a visually compelling and thought-provoking narrative that will appeal to fans of speculative fiction.
Vicarious #1 is available in several cover variants, making it a collectible for fans. Whether you’re drawn to the intriguing premise or the stunning artwork, this is a must-read for sci-fi and thriller enthusiasts alike. Be sure to grab your copy at your local comic shop or online.